Interracial Dating, But God He’s---!

Yesterday, I went into a wonderful clothing store. I could hardly believe the style of clothes suited me perfectly. Since I dislike shopping, I usually go to the same two or three stores and look no further. However, yesterday, I ventured into a new store, which is in the same mall and only two stores down from one of “my” stores. This new store, which I have ignored for over 8 years, is now “my” list of stores, knocking one of the others off my list.

As I walked away from the store with my purchase, I smiled knowing that God had used my experience to teach me a valuable lesson: a lesson about unfair conclusions, misconceptions, and inaccurate judgment.

Recognizing God’s mate for us is often difficult because of our own misconceptions. We often think we know how our man will look, talk and smile. (I know I did, too.) We give little thought to the racial appearance of our future mate because we assume he will look like us. However, a quick study of the scriptures will show examples after examples that God’s thoughts are not our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8).

I’m not pretending that interracial dating/marriage is still a hot emotionally charged topic. I’m not even pretending that I don’t know the damage the Enemy has and is still doing in this area. I do know that God recognizes two types of people: believers and unbelievers. I do know that God commands us to not to think like the world and to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2)

I encourage my single Christian sisters who are over 35 and over 40 to open your hearts to the beautiful rainbow (men) of colors that our Father has put in the world. I encourage you to examine the color of their hearts more than you examine the color of their skin.

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